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商务合作英语情景对话 2人商务英语情景对话?


商务合作英语情景对话 2人商务英语情景对话?



A: What problems will exporters face in moving to the foreign market ?

B: An exporter needs to know the social characteristics of people he is dealing with.

A: Like what?

B: What do they like or dislike, what languages do they speak, what religions do they follow ?

A: Reasonable.

B: Especially he needs to know their behavior, their habits, their way of life and the things they are used to.

A: Sometimes people in different countries, or even in different parts of the same country, have varying outlooks because of the tribe and culture.

A: 出口商在转向国外市场时面临哪些问题?

B: 出口商需要了解与他做生意的人的社会特征。

A: 比如说?

B: 他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,说什么语言,相信什么宗教?

A: 有道理。

B: 尤其需要了解他们的行为、习惯、生活方式和习惯。

A: 由于种族、文化等原因,有时不同国家的人或同一国家不同地区的人有不同的见解。


Today, we#39re going to talk about the teamwork.Please share your ideas with team members.

A.Actually, many teamwork during a class.

B.Yes, i#39m, I think it#39s also good If someone can help you when you are in trouble.

C. I agree with you. it makes us understand more on how to respect each other. but sometimes it#39s also awkward.

D. especially when you have different opinions .

A. i get you. that#39s why we always have a team leader
