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绿色环保袋英语 环保购物袋用英语怎么说?


绿色环保袋英语 环保购物袋用英语怎么说?



名词:Environmental protection 环境保护。形容词: eco-friendly 环保的。关于环境保护的英语:1、绿色环保 Environment protecting Green Initiative Green and Environmental Protection Green2、环保选购 Reevaluate Reuate Reevingugot Reevaltm3、环保袋 Recycle Bags environment-friendly bags reusable bag Eco Bag4、环保局 environmental protection bureau


您好,我是【木子爱答题】,很高兴为您解答。Environmental protection 环保。形容词: eco-friendly 环保的。

关于环境保护的英语:1、绿色环保 Environment protecting Green Initiative Green and Environmental Protection Green2、环保选购 Reevaluate Reuate Reevingugot Reevaltm3、环保袋 Recycle Bags environment-friendly bags reusable bag Eco Bag4、环保局 environmental protection bureau更专业的科普知识,欢迎关注我。如果您喜欢我的回答,也请给我表扬或转发,您的鼓励,是支持我写作的动力,谢谢。


名词:Environmental protection 环境保护。形容词: eco-friendly 环保的。关于环境保护的英语:1、绿色环保 Environment protecting Green Initiative Green and Environmental Protection Green2、Protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility保护环境,人人有责3、Love of nature, and protect the natural热爱自然,保护自然 4、There is only one earth, human beings should help只有一个地球,人类应该同舟共济 5、The pursuit of green fashion, towards the green civilization追求绿色时尚,走向绿色文明


一:Environmental protection相关例句:1.I anticipate success in the environmental protection plan.预计环境保护会成功。2、The protection of the ecological system was further enhanced.加大生态环境保护力度。二: eco-friendly 相关例句:1.What Volpe has essentially done is, he has combined a waste bin, a recycler and a shelter all in a single, functional, eco friendly structure.沃尔佩的本质设计是将废纸箱、回收设备和展馆三重功能相结合,具有功能性、生态友好的结构。2、It will he propitious to the development of the ecology economy as well as the construction of a conservation-minded society an eco friendly society and the new socialistic rural areas.开展生物质能源开发利用政策立法研究,有利于生态经济的发展,有利于资源节约型、环保型社会建设,有利于社会主义新农村建设。
